On A Time Crunch? Don’t Fret: You Can Still Look Pretty With These Quick Makeup Tips

Doing your makeup is something that takes a considerable amount of time. That’s why you tend to do many things wrong when you rush it. What if we told you it’s possible to look pretty after a ten-minute makeup? When you wake up late and have to step out as soon as possible, these makeup tips we’ve compiled will help you look your best.

Create depth with your eyeshadow

A duo chrome eyeshadow allows you to apply more than one color of shadow at once. The multiple colors on your lids create depth. You’ll look like you used a bunch of different Mac eyeshadows and slanted brushes to achieve your look.

Courtesy: Editoralist

Nobody would know you simply used your fingers to smear your shadow on. You don’t have to worry so much about using your eyeshadow brushes- you don’t have that time. It would look like you took the time to ‘layer’ eyeshadows.

Look more ‘awake’ by framing your face

It’s essential to frame your face and create a natural look by attending to your brows, lashes, and cheeks. Mascara helps open your eyes and makes you look more awake. Don’t forget to do your brows–especially when you look tired.

Courtesy: Medikaur

Fill in your brows using a pencil or powder, then use a gel to hold them in place. Add a light layer of blush to your cheeks to add color to your look. You’ll look anything but unprepared.

You’re still rushing, don’t get too comfortable

Ensure you start with those makeup items you’d feel awkward not having on. If you always want full brows, start with that. If you can go without lipstick, then save that for last. Prioritization is key while on a time crunch.

Courtesy: Bebeautiful

While that lined lip look is awesome, can you figure it out in time before heading to class? It’s better to just save the new ideas for later when you have time to apply, remove and reapply your makeup.

Conceal those dark circles

If you have just a few minutes for makeup, put a little concealer under your eyes to hide dark circles. Put some white eyeshadow or liner around the inner corners of your eyes to make it look like your eyes are wider.

Courtesy: Charlottaeve

Wider eyes look more active and less sleepy or tired. With under-eye concealer, your eyes will look more open, unlike you’ve just gotten up. This tip is super effective because dark eyes are the most obvious sign someone overslept.

Red is the color!

When you imagine someone dressed up in 15 minutes, do you see them using red lipstick? Nope. That’s why you should use red lipstick when you don’t have enough time for full makeup. It creates the illusion that you put in much effort.

Courtesy: Freepik

Pairing red lipstick with mascara makes you look like you just decided against full makeup- not that you didn’t have the time to do it. The combination of mascara and red lipstick reflects intention- it hides the fact that you rushed.

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